Actor Salman Khan and Shah Rukh Khan share a very strong bond and they are indeed Karan – Arjun of Bollywood. They have ruled the industry for decades and they never leave a chance to shell out BFF goals. In fact, Salman was among the first to reach out to SRK when Aryan Khan was arrested in the alleged cruise drug ship case.
The duo first appeared together on the screen in the 1995 blockbuster Karan Arjun and became close friends. The duo had a major fallout in the year 2008 but later they resolved their issues like just any other friends. Recently, Salman’s cameo in Pathaan also received a lot of love. To celebrate their cult friendship, we bring to you a throwback to when Salman reminded a fan that SRK is his Bhai. Scroll below to the scoop.
Salman Khan, who is also the producer of The Kapil Sharma show once appeared on the show to promote his film Antim: The Final Truth. During the candid conversation, he interacted with the audience on the show, one of them called himself a huge fan of Bhaijaan and revealed he was a small-time actor. Salman then cut him in between and said that no work is small. He further said, “Woh Shah Rukh Khan sahab ka dialogue kya hai? “ The man then said he doesn’t know anyone but Bhai. There is only one Bhai, Hindustan ka ek hi Bhai hai and I only know him.” To this Salman said, “Par woh apna bhai hai. Tumhare bhai ka bhai ka kya hua?” To this, the fan said SRK is also a brother. “Always keep that in mind”, the actor added.
Well, that was definitely a heartwarming answer. Salman Khan proved that Shah Rukh Khan holds a special place in his heart and there is no one like them when it comes to ‘Bromance’. What do you think? Let us know in the comments section below.
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