We are almost nearing the first death anniversary of Sushant Singh Rajput, and ahead of it, NCB has been on their toes. Recently, Rhea Chakraborty revealed a lot of explosive details against Sara Ali Khan and SSR’s family. She went on to say that the late actor was already an addict before she met him, and his sister and brother-in-law used to do drugs with him. After these statements came out, Kedarnath actor Nitish Bhardwaj took the PK actor’s side and now his Chhichhore co-star Prateik Babbar has opened up about the same.
Prateik has spoken up about his time with Sushant on the sets of Chhichhore. He said that SSR was an approachable person but could drift off into his own world occasionally. Keep scrolling further for more information.
According to reports in Times Of India, Prateik Babbar said, “Sushant and I were acquaintances who would bump into each other at events. I’d even seen him at the gym a couple of times. I had noticed that Sushant Singh Rajput had an aura about him, which was not like anyone else’s in the business. He was unique, and he stood out.”
Prateik Babbar continued, “He was an extremely warm, fun-loving, and an easy-to-talk-to kind of person. But he would also drift away sometimes into his own world. Sushant Singh Rajput loved having conversations; not only was he always trying to have a good time on the set, but he would ensure others were having fun, too. Sushant loved talking about quantum physics, planets, stars, and sciences. I still remember he wanted to visit Antarctica after shooting the film. I was blown away with that; who would think of doing that, really? He did! He was curious about life and exploring it through all its avenues. He was one of a kind, who saw things differently and had priorities that were different from the herd. He was a gem of a guy.”
Chhichhore was Sushant’s final theatrical release. It was a critical and commercial success. The actor’s last film was Dil Bechara, which released directly on Disney+ Hotstar. What do you think about Prateik’s statements?