Shagird Preview (Shagird Movie Poster)Plot: This gritty cop drama takes place in the city of Delhi in the life of two Delhi Crime Branch officers, Hanumant Singh (Nana Patekar) a veteran officer, whose tactics and ethics are more than a little bit questionable, mentors Mohit (Mohit Ahlawat) a new junior officer who has his own principles. Hanumant Singh & Bunty Bhaiya (Anurag Kashyap) work for big politician Rajmani Singh (Zakir Hussain) who rules the state with utmost unfair means.

As the story unfolds, it becomes increasingly clear the links and interlinks between the various characters of the movie. The film also stars Rimi Sen who gets involved in a very high drama kidnap by some international terrorist blackmailing for the release of 2 of their men.

Star cast: Nana Patekar, Anurag Kashyap, Mohit Ahlawat, Zakir Hussain, Rimi Sen.

Promotion: The film has been very poorly promoted.

Box-Office Expectations: Shagird will have to rely on positive word of mouth to do well at the ticket counters.

Shagird releases on 13th May, 2011.

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