Bollywood actors – Rajkummar Rao and Patralekhaa – is one of the most-loved couples of B-Town. The duo, who had been in a live-in relationship for quite some time, took the plunge on November 15 in Chandigarh. While Bollywood lovers still can’t get enough of their oh-so-romantic wedding pictures, the actor has for the first time opened up about their life and wedding. Raj and Patralekhaa are currently enjoying the best phase of their lives. During his latest interview, the Badhaai Do actor revealed that he loves calling the actress ‘wife’ just for fun.
During his recent interaction with Times Of India, Rajkummar Rao was asked since they have been in a longtime live-in relationship, what made them take the plunge. Replying to the same, Raj stated, “We have been living in for a while now. I would always be out shooting, and she would be out for her shoots. The last two years, which included the lockdowns, was the time we could spend with each other. At that point, we thought that when we are so sure of spending the rest of our lives together, let’s just do this.” When asked if the marriage has changed his outlook towards life, he said that he’s still getting used to the idea of being husband and wife. “I love calling her wife now, just for fun, though,” he added.
Rajkummar Rao is currently caught up with Badhaai Do promotions, when asked if he and Patralekhaa are following any post-wedding rituals, he said that they are living just like they were before. He went on to thank the technology as they never miss a chance to connect over video calls, He further revealed that whenever they are out on shoots, they made sure to speak to each other and they talk at length.
The Hum Do Hamare Do actor Rajkummar Rao concluded and said, “People often say that after 11 years of being together, the desire to talk is not the same as it is in the first or second year of a relationship. With us, it’s the opposite. Our interactions and the span of our interactions have only increased.”
Aww! Ain’t these two pure goals?