Priyanka Chopra is already juggling projects in her hand and is in no mood for the media to add more pressure on her. Reacting to rumours about her role in the sequel to Dostana, Priyanka announced on the social networking site that she would not be part of the Abhishek Bachchan and John Abraham starrer.
“I was never doing dostana two..hello..reason bein my love story ends in the first where is the question.this was cleared some 2 years ago.n whn it comes to a special appearance or something thats a much later call.once and for all IM NOT PART OF dostana2. Jeez…what say @tarunmansukhani ?”
The gorgeous Katrina Kaif will be taking over the baton from Piggy Chops as the blue-eyed girl for hunks Abhishek and John. To jazz up the cast, Abhay Deol, Dino Morea and Ritesh Deshmukh are also set to join the Dostana 2 team. But the Dostana 2 is reportedly in trouble after bad vibes between producer Karan Johar and director Tarun Mansukhani.