Amid the coronavirus lockdown, Bollywood actors are doing more than their bit to keep the fans entertained. They are continuously posting videos and pictures of themselves cooking, cleaning, exercising and several other things. Now, Nora Fatehi is doing what she does best. She has posted a tremendous dance video of her which has become viral on social media.

Nora Fatehi took to Instagram to share a video where the actor is seen dancing on the beats of the song Corny. Nora Fatehi can be seen twerking and also flaunting her belly dance moves while she follows the dance routine of Parris Goebel.

Nora Fatehi Grooves To 'Corny' & As Always, She's Killing It; See Video
Nora Fatehi Grooves To ‘Corny’ & As Always, She’s Killing It; See Video

Along with the video, she wrote, “Finally learnt @parrisgoebel live Dance class routine to the song Corny! I love her work. so here it goes🔥 #quarantinelearning”.

This video shared by the actress has been seen more than 25 lakh times till now.

Nora never fails to make her fans laugh through social media. Earlier, she shared a video where she photoshopped her face on all the dancers of the video. In another video, the actor is seen making a grand entry at an event. She captioned the video as, “Literally me once the lockdown is over and I can leave my house…. 🤣🤣”.

On the work front, Nora was last seen in Street Dancer 3D alongside Varun Dhawan and Shraddha Kapoor.

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