Bollywood actress Minissha Lamba may have got the red carpet treatment at her debut Cannes appearance, but what followed was a nightmare of sorts for her.

Minissha Lamba The Terminal Experience
Minissha Lamba at the Mumbai airport on her way to Cannes; Minissha at the Cannes red carpet.

Minissha’s spree of bad luck began when she lost one of her bags at the Nice airport in France. After running around for the luggage, the actress gave up and boarded her flight for Mumbai. Upon her arrival in Mumbai yesterday (18th May, 2011), she was detained at the airport for carrying jewellery worth approximately Rs. 50 lakh.

Minissha’s publicity agent rubbished reports of her being arrested, “She has not been arrested. There has been some mis-suspicion (sic) or miscommunication because of which she was detained. The jewellery was given to her by Anmol jewellery and she was not carrying the necessary documents for them.”

The Well Done Abba! actress who arrived in Mumbai at 11 am was detained by the custom officials for 16 hours. Minissha will have to report at the airport at 2 pm today (May 19th). Earlier today the actress posted a curt message, “NOT GUILTY” on her Twitter page but deleted it shortly afterwards.

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