Plot: Rhea (Shraddha Kapoor) is the quintessential girl next door, in love with Luv Nanda (Taaha Shah), the richest and the most popular boy in college. On the eve of her 18th birthday, they plan to take their relationship to the ‘next level’. When accidentally Rhea finds out Luv is not as nice as she thought he was.
Rhea decides to not get mad, but to get even and bring Luv Nanda down with the help of her friends!
Star cast: Shraddha Kapoor, Taaha Shah, Shenaz Treasuryvala, Ali Zafar (special appearance).
Promotion: The promotion of ‘Luv Ka The End’, made under the banner of Y-Films, has been reasonably good.
Box-Office Expectations: Since the film lacks face value it cannot be expected to take a bumper opening.
Luv Ka The End releases on May 6th, 2011.