Gauahar Khan is currently the centre of media’s attention. The actress was recently a part of Bigg Boss 14. She played one of the toofani seniors alongside Sidharth Shukla and Hina Khan. However, one thing that fans continuously have their eyeballs on is her relationship with Zaid Darbar. Looks like, after all the denial, they’re finally tying the knot.
For a while now, rumours around Gauahar and Zaid getting married have been doing the rounds. The couple even enjoyed a vacation at Goa soon after Khan got out of the Bigg Boss 14 house. During a recent spotting, they were even seen hand in hand at the airport.
But Gauahar Khan in a statement refused the news of getting married to Zaid Darbar recently. “These are just rumours. If there will be anything I will let you all know about it,” said the actress while speaking to IANS.
Now, as per recent developments, Gauahar Khan indeed is tying the knot with Zaid Darbar. As per a report by Times Of India, the couple was initially planning to get married on 22nd December. However, they have now planned to begin the pre-wedding festivities from that date. They will be exchanging the vows on 25th December.
Only close friends and family members would be a part of the wedding amid the on-going pandemic. Family members of both the to-be bride and groom have started prepping for the big day. Gauahar’s sister Nigaar along with a couple more relatives would be flying down to Mumbai for the wedding.
There also have been rumours that Gauahar Khan and Zaid Darbar have already exchanged wedding rings. Many believe that the huge rock noticeable in Bigg Boss 14, was actually the engagement ring. However, there remains no official confirmation on the same.
Previously, Zaid Darbar’s father had expressed his happiness over the relationship. He gave his nod and mentioned that he would be happy and has no problem with his son marrying Gauahar Khan.
Ismail Darbar was in fact all praises for Gauahar and even mentioned that she invited him to come to meet her family post the Bigg Boss 14 stint.
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