Farah Khan might be busy giving finishing touches to her next release, the Akshay Kumar – Katrina Kaif starrer Tees Maar Khan, but this doesn’t mean that she stops working on her other pet projects. In the latest, the director-choreographer has announced that her next venture with hubby Shirish Kunder, titled Joker, will be shot in 3D. Buzz is that Shirish, who has written the script of the film and will be directing it, got inspired to make the film in three dimensional after watching James Cameron’s global blockbuster, Avatar.

Farah Khan’s ‘Joker’ in 3D

Watch More:’ Tees Maar Khan’ Posters

Farah Khan accepted as much on her Twitter page. “Cats out of the bag. Joker is in 3D!” We wish Farah and Shirish all the very best in their 3D endeavours. We would, although, like to hear a little more about the casting of Joker… will it be Akshay again? Or will Shah Rukh Khan make a return to the Farah ‘camp’?

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