Durgamati Trailer: After sharing an intriguing teaser yesterday, the makers finally dropped the trailer today. Recently, the makers changed the title as it was earlier called Durgavati. But what’s not changed is the thrilling factor. Bhumi Pednekar is her to provide a spine-chilling experience with her story.
In the film, Bhumi will play the role of an IAS officer. It’s a horror film which is a remake of 2018 Telugu-Tamil film, Bhaagamathie. The original film starred Anushka Shetty in the lead role. Director G Ashok, who made the original has also helmed the remake.
The trailer begins on a serious note with Arshad Warsi and Mahie Gill’s characters talking about the Durga temple. They decide to send Chanchal (Bhumi Pednekar) to achieve what they want. But they didn’t’ expect things to go scary as Chanchal turns Durgamati. There are a lot of petrifying scenes featuring the Bala actress. The last one minute of the trailer will give you goosebumps for sure.
It appears like a story of revenge and it can be said that nothing can stop Chanchal. The film promises a spine-tingling horror and story of revenge for sure. The makers describe the trailer as, “Durgavati is crafted as a fast-paced, intelligent thriller in a twist-a-minute style and has strongly etched characters that will create a deep impact with the audience as they are gripped by the world of conspiracy and crime, served with a layer of scare.”
Watch the trailer below:
Durgamati or Durgamati: The Myth is produced by Akshay Kumar‘s Cape Of Good Films. Earlier, the actor had talked about casting Bhumi Pednekar to play the lead role. He said that the role demanded a girl-next-door personality and Bhumi Pednekar had fit the bill.
Durgamati will release on Amazon Prime Video on December 11, 2020.
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