It’s raining birthday wishes for ‘Tiger 3’ actor Salman Khan, who celebrates his birthday on Tuesday. Almost the whole of B-town attended his midnight birthday bash, which he hosted in Mumbai ditching his regular practice of partying at his Panvel farmhouse.
Katrina Kaif, who earlier dated Salman, also took to the story section of her Instagram to send birthday wishes to Salman with whom she will share the screen in their upcoming spy-action movie ‘Tiger 3’.
Calling Salman an “OG (original gangster)”, she shared a monochromatic picture of him seated on a bike. Salman Khan appears to be staring into the camera lens as he sports a light stubble in the picture. While we can’t recall if this is a still from his previous films or a glimpse into his character in Tiger 3?
Katrina Kaif wrote on the picture, “Tiger Tiger Tiger ka happy birthday @beingsalmankhan #OG.”
Katrina and Salman Khan dated during the mid and late 2000s and have done several films together. The two were together till somewhere around 2009 after which Katrina went on to date Ranbir Kapoor. The two starred together in ‘Ajab Prem Ki Ghazab Kahani’.
Katrina and Ranbir too eventually parted ways during the shoot of ‘Jagga Jasoos‘ when differences between them crept in.
While Katrina married Vicky Kaushal in an intimate ceremony in Jaipur last year in December, Ranbir married Vicky’s ‘Raazi’ co-star Alia Bhatt in April, this year.
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