Apart from her body of work at the movies and her luminous screen presence, Aditi Rao Hydari is known to make splashes in the fashion arena when she takes to the red carpet or the ramp. If her pictures trending over the internet are anything to go by, the gorgeous actress makes quite an appearance every time she steps out. Taking a look at her style files, it is evident that the ethereal beauty more than occasionally turns to classic traditional wear. Here are a few pictures that show the Indian beauty rocking the ethnic look.

Aditi dons this salmon pink Indo-Western dress, looking radiant as ever. Notice how the delicate embroidery work on the V-neck render femininity to the look and how the pastel brings out the pink of her cheeks.

We’ve got to appreciate how well put together this look is. Doesn’t Aditi look drop-dead gorgeous in this light yellow dress with Indian motifs? The chandelier earrings and chunky bracelets and kadhas complement the outfit. To top it all, the underlined makeup accentuates the entire ensemble. Simple and sparkling, Aditi sure knows how it’s done.

Watch how resplendent this angelic beauty looks in the muted grey anarkali. A sleek bun and statement earrings are the highlights of this look.

Aditi takes tradition, comfort and modern elements in her stride with this look, which is put together with a flowy, creased kurti, palazzos and a dupatta rife with impressive thread work.

Take a look at his perfectly styled ensemble. Aditi glows in the white anarkali bestrewn with Jaipuri motifs.

Aditi dazzles in this pink anarkali that is replete with details, embroidery and gathers. The copper borders accentuate the magnificence of the outfit and go wonderfully with the blue-blooded beauty.

Observe Aditi’s classic-Indian-golden-girl look that comprises of a sleek bun, stately chandelier earrings and an ethnic crop top teamed with lehenga skirt.

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