There’s a special bond between Taarak Mehta Ka Ooltah Chashmah and Prime Minister Narendra Modi. We have seen our PM praising the longest-running sitcom in one of his speeches. Also, the show’s team was invited to be part of the first nine citizens of India to start the Swachha Bharat Abhiyan. Giving more insights into PM-TMKOC’s special bond, we’ll be taking a look at Disha Vakani’s one special request for Indian PM.
Yes, Disha once made a special request to PM Modi. It traces back to the time when Modi won the Lok Sabha elections of 2014. During one of the award nights, the actress was asked to comment on Modi’s historic win. She had nothing but just one plea for then newly elected PM.
It was the occasion of Zee Gold Awards 2014 when Disha Vakani and Munmun Dutta were spotted on the red carpet. During media interaction, Disha was asked about Narendra Modi becoming Indian Prime Minister. She expressed her delightfulness over Modi’s win and made a special request to him.
On behalf of the fraternity, Disha Vakani urged Narendra Modi to solved the issue of ever-increasing traffic. She further added that it would prevent a lot of hectic. Bollywood News Villa had shared the video of the same. Take a look:
Meanwhile, an old picture of Disha Vakani is now going viral. It features her from Gokuldham society. The concerned picture is a selfie with Champaklal Gada (Amit Bhatt) and Mrs. Haathi (Ambika Ranjankar). Initially shared by a fan account, within moments, the photo went viral and fans speculated if the actress was back in the Ganesh Chaturthi special episode.