TV star Dheeraj Dhoopar, who gained prominence for his role as Prem Bharadwaj in Sasural Simar Ka, is all set to turn producer. The Kundali Bhagya fame actor will don the producer’s cap for a short film titles ‘Yellow’. This film will star Dheeraj and will be directed by his friend Amber Wasi.
Besides Sasural Simar Ka and Kundali Bhagya, Dhoopar recently featured in a cameo role in Naagin 5. He starred alongside Hina Khan and Mohit Malhotra.
Talking about producing ‘Yellow’ Dheeraj Dhoopar said, “I always wanted to try my hand at every possible thing and leave no stone unturned. Becoming a producer is something I am really excited about. Before getting into TV, I always wanted to do certain roles that I felt would be best suited for me. By becoming a producer, I feel I can now explore these. I also feel responsible towards providing a platform for young and deserving talents to showcase their work.”
Dheeraj Dhoopar added, “Also, with digital (platforms) coming to the forefront there is a lot of scope to play around with content. It feels amazing that my short film ‘Yellow’ has been selected by ShortsTV for their platform. It is a new beginning for me.”
What are your thoughts on the actor’s newest role? Let us know in the comments below.
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