Director Shree Narayan Singh starts with exploring the friendship angle between the three leads. Susheel Kumar aka SK (Shahid Kapoor), Lalita Nautiyal aka Nauti (Shraddha Kapoor) and Sundar Mohan Tripathi (Divyenndu Sharmaa) – three best friends confused when it comes to love. Both the guys are in love with Nauti but at the same time don’t want their friendship to get affected.
SK is a an infamous lawyer who cleverly traps the people who do unlawful things. Nauti is a small town designer aspiring to make it big in Mumbai. Tripathi owns a company which faces the issue of load-shedding and excessive billing.
First half is dragged in parts because the proceedings take a lot of time to fall into places and hence editing is very lazy. The love-triangle angle is their on screen for more time than it should’ve been. The movie was sold saying it’s about tackling the social issue but that point comes in very late in the movie. Shahid Kapoor shines as SK and is in his top form. Catching the dialect, the quirks of his character along with retaining his old-school charm, Shahid is excellent.
Divyenndu Sharmaa, in an interview with Koimoi explained how he wants to try different stuff when it comes to acting and with this he proves what he said. He has got a lot of scope and uses for his good. Shraddha Kapoor, just after Stree, delivers yet another charming performance.
Directed by Shree Narayan Singh, Batti Gul Meter Chalu tells the story of how people are suffering from corruption in the electricity system. It also stars Shraddha Kapoor. This was a review till interval, please stick to this space for a detailed one.