Based on Avengers: Endgame’s epic finale sequence in which Chris Evans’ Captain America assembles Avengers, Brooklyn-based John Handem Piette’s parody video went viral on the social media. The video called America: Endgame highlights the dramatic proceedings of Donald Trump VS Joe Biden’s fight at US Elections 2020.
In his recent conversation, the maker of the video has opened up about what led him to have this idea of mixing up such an adrenaline-pumping sequence with the current political scenario.
While talking to The Hindu, John said,
“That’s a very powerful scene because it was the culmination of 10 years worth of storytelling on the part of Marvel, that’s why it had so much emotional resonance. Even in Infinity War, when Thanos simply snaps his fingers, and half the heroes vanish, that was something you don’t see often in superhero films.”
All this he compares with 2016’s election in which Trump won, and many Americans found themselves defeated. On choosing the Avengers: Endgame finale scene, John says, “the moral arc of the universe bends towards justice. When I watched it, the theatre erupted into cheer because it was such a galvanising moment for many people’s consciousness.”
America Assembled!🇺🇸🎉@JoeBiden @KamalaHarris @BarackObama @ChrisEvans @MarkRuffalo @RobertDowneyJr @brielarson @AOC @staceyabrams @michaelb4jordan @Russo_Brothers #Election2020 #ElectionResults2020 #joebiden #DonaldTrump #BidenHarris2020 #avengers #endgame
— John Handem Piette (@JohnHPiette) November 6, 2020
In the video, Donald Trump is portraying Thanos, while Joe Biden is Captain America, Kamala Harris is The Falcon. Apart from these leading members, the rest of the cast is interesting too. Former US President Barack Obama plays Black Panther, Keisha Lance Bottoms is Shuri, and Stacey Abrams is Okoye. John adds, “Because of her Herculean effort, she is a national treasure; she’s brilliant, cunning and empathetic. And Atlanta mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms became a real star during the Black Lives Matter protests earlier this year. Some leaders really emerged in our country, especially against voter suppression laws.”
From the remaining cast, U.S. Representative Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez is Captain Marvel, and former first lady Michelle Obama is Gamora. What’s the most interesting is late actor Sean Connery playing Rocket Raccoon. On this, John adds, “I do believe he was very vocal in politics in the UK, particularly in Scotland. But I also did want to cut through the earnestness by featuring him.”
On Elon Musk playing Iron Man, John says, “Musk is an interesting figure whose behaviour we may not always agree with, but he was vocal about climate change and the power of technology for the future, as was Tony Stark.”
Avengers: Endgame fans, do you think this casting by John Handem Piette does full justice to the scene it is? Share your thoughts in the comments section below.
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