A few days ago, we saw Ajay Devgn share a picture with the popular teen band, The Vamps who were on their India visit. It wasn’t quite clear what the connection between the duo was. Well, surprise, surprise, the popular band will be collaborating with Shivaay’s music director, Mithoon for a special something in Shivaay‘s soundtrack.
Ajay even shared a video which showed The Vamps and Mithoon having a jamming session over the Shivaay song that will be soon releasing.
Talking about the collaboration, Ajay Devgn says, “This is my first international collaboration on a musical front. Bradley Simpson, James McVey, Connor Ball and Tristan Evans, The Vamps, are immensely talented young boys. My Daughter Nysa introduced me to the band as I didn’t know how big they were among the teens.”
This autumn Bollywood and UK pop royalty will explosively collide when Ajay Devgn and The Vamps combine their talents for the soundtrack of Shivaay.
Shivaay also stars Sayyesha Saigal and Erika Kaar in key roles. It is slated to release on 28th October, 2016