The ongoing ED probe in the Sushant Singh Rajput death case has been making headlines for various reasons. One of which was the rumours that Rhea Chakraborty claimed Sushant was paying EMI’s for ex-girlfriend Ankita Lokhande’s apartment in Malad, Mumbai. The Manikarnika fame was quick to rubbish these rumours and now Rajput’s sister and her boyfriend Vicky are applauding her. Read on to know more.
For the ones unaware, it was being said that Sushant Singh Rajput was paying EMI for Ankita Lokhande’s Malad apartment that cost 4.5 crores. Ankita taking the bold step, put up pictures of her bank statement and flat register papers on Instagram.
Clarifying her stand, she wrote, “Here I cease all the speculations. As transparent as I could be.My Flat’s Registration as well as my Bank Statement’s (01/01/19 to 01/03/20) highlighting the EMI’s being deducted from my account on a monthly basis. There is nothing more I have to say. #justiceforssr.”
Applauding Ankita Lokhande in the comments section were Sushant Singh Rajput’s sister Shweta Singh Kirti and her boyfriend Vicky Jain. Kirti wrote, “You are an independent woman and I am proud of you my girl.” To which Ankita replied, “@shwetasinghkirti Thank you so much di. Love you.”
On the other hand, Vicky wrote, “Hats off Miss Lokhande.” To which Ankita Lokhande replied, “@jainvick Thanks you, thank you, thank you and thank you for being my strength.” Share your thoughts in the comments section below.
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