The year 2018 started with a good note as Sanjay Leela Bhansali’s Padmaavat had hit the theatres and it had spread like a wild fire at the box office. Ranveer Singh essayed the role of Alauddin Khilji and he totally killed the badass character. Whereas on the other hand, Ranbir Kapoor too has come up with Sanjay Dutt’s biopic titled Sanju and even he has left everyone mesmerised by the stellar performance.

The second half of 2018 has just begun and we already have the maximum number of hits. Both Padmaavat and Sanju are of different genres and completely a new zone. Audiences have loved watching both of them as both the characters are diverse and have something new to offer.

Sanju OR Khilji; Ranbir Kapoor VS Ranveer Singh - BEST Performance Of 1st Half Of 2018?
Sanju OR Khilji; Ranbir Kapoor VS Ranveer Singh – BEST Performance Of The 1st Half Of 2018?

Speaking about Ranveer Singh, he just stole our hearts with his negative yet kickass streak! His looks, his dialogue delivery, his style and what not; everything was just on-point in Padmaavat. Sanjay Leela Bhansali surely knows how to extract a standing ovation act from an actor and he was quite successful in his mission. The film also featured Deepika Padukone and Shahid Kapoor but all the limelight was hogged by Ranveer alone! Not only the audiences but the critics too loved his super amazing performance.

Coming to Ranbir Kapoor, his recently released film Sanju is all praises! In the film, we can see that Ranbir has worked really hard to get the character’s nuances on-point. Just like Bhansali, even Rajkumar Hirani is also quite a taskmaster when it comes to achieve what he aims for i.e. cinematic brilliance. Ranbir has totally nailed the look as Sanjay Dutt. Be it right muscular body or a lean one, his voice modulation to match Dutt’s tone and spectacular acting; Ranbir has got it all right! He has proved that he is still very much in the game!

Well, we loved watching both of them on-screen! But what are your thoughts on it? Do vote and let us know!

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