Amidst all the sad news that has destroyed the peace of our country due to COVID-19, actor Ruslaan Mumtaz and wife Nirali Mehta have welcomed their first child. The couple was blessed with a baby boy on March 26, 2020, and in Ruslaan’s own admission, the actor at first did not want to share the baby’s pictures on social media but later he decided to share it in order to spread some happiness and joy in such times.

The actor has posted some super adorable pictures of his little bundle of joy on his Instagram account and in one of the posts, the actor revealed that they will be calling him, Rayaan Mumtaz. The actor wrote on the post: ‘Chota baby smiling at my failed attempt at making him burp ❤️❤️👶👶.

Ruslaan Mumtaz & Wife Nirali Mehta Reveal Their Baby Boy’s Name; Check Out
Ruslaan Mumtaz & Wife Nirali Mehta Reveal Their Baby Boy’s Name; Check Out

Ps. Chota babys name is Rayaan Mumtaz but I’ll call him Chota baby till I can.

#chotababy #superhero#cutestbabyever #protectyourpeace’

Take a look:

From burping his baby to napping the weeks-old bundle of joy, Ruslaan has been getting involved in every detail of parenting. He had earlier revealed how due to the lockdown, the help that they hired would not be able to join them but how he is kicked to do everything for Nirali and the baby all by himself.

Mera Pehla Pehla Pyaar fame Ruslaan Mumtaz got married to his long time girlfriend Nirali Mehta tied the knot back in 2014. The wedding happened in a traditional Gujarati style and in attendance of many of Ruslaan’s friends from the industry.

Congratulations to the couple!

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