Ranveer Singh is known for his unusual fashion avatars, and fans have developed a taste for his ‘atrangi’ avatars by now. The actor recently was papped at the Filmfare Awards, 2020 which took place in Guwahati, Assam. But it is his airport look while returning from the event that is grabbing eyeballs, but not for any good reason!

Ranveer who was papped at the airport could be seen donning a golden metallic rust coloured coat and paired it up with matching loose pants, black coloured turtle neck tee and a black hat. Complimenting his sassy attire were black shades and shoes. While it was Ranveer being Ranveer for most, a chunk of the users trolled him for his look mercilessly with really mean comments.

Ranveer Singh Gets Trolled For His Shiny Outfit, Fans Say “Dairy Milk Ke Cover Ko Bhi Nahi Chhoda”
Ranveer Singh Gets Trolled For His Shiny Outfit, Fans Say “Dairy Milk Ke Cover Ko Bhi Nahi Chhoda”

A user wrote, “O god what’s wrong with ranveersingh gotta wear my sun glasses to see him”

“Isne to dairy milk ke cover ko bhi nai chhoda,” wrote another.

Commenting on Ranveer’s blingy outfit, another user mentioned, “He Could probably be seen from space in that outfit”

“What he wears he thinks he wears exceptional clothes, I think he has a exceptional mind as well . Pura pagal hai pata nai deepika ko kya kar diya hai now days she also dresses up same way,” another user commented.

A user wrote, “Honestly wtf…..is he wearing. How does he decided I am going to rock this annoying outfit today. Wonder if he has a team to choose his outfits just to trouble the rest of us.”

Meanwhile, Ranveer Singh is currently basking in the success of his last film, Gully Boy, grabbing as many as 13 awards at this year’s Filmfare. While the team is on the top of the world, the viewers have been really unhappy and #BoycottFilmfare has been trending since the morning, owing to the same.

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