Dil Toh Baccha Hai Ji is the second Bollywood venture for Omi Vaidya and Shazahn Padamsee. But their roles in the film couldn’t have been any more different. While Omi plays a self-confessed virgin in the film, Shazahn is a bold, chirpy girl who stuns Ajay Devgan with a mischevious, “When did you lose your V (virgnity)?”.

Ajay Devgan, Shazahn Padamasee, Shraddha Das, Omi Vaidya

In conversation about their upcoming film, Omi and Shazahn  have one point in common, their praise for Ajay Devgan and about Madhur Bhandarkar’s comic timing. About Ajay, Omi says, “I wasn’t really apprehensive about meeting Aamir Khan and Raju (Rajkumar Hirani) for 3 Idiots but I was a bit nervous about Ajay. I had just seen Once Upon A Time In Mumbaai and I wasn’t sure if we’d get along well. But it came out quite well,” he smiles.

Shazahn had other things to worry about. She had heard about Ajay Devgan’s reputation of playing pranks on his co-stars. “So on my first day of the shoot, I went up to him and said, ‘Sir, I’ve heard that you are a prankster, but I’m your youngest co-star and I’m very scared.’ And he didn’t play any pranks on me!” she says excitedly. Not only did Shazahn get to shake a leg with Ajay, she does the sensuous salsa with him! But she’s wary about talking too much, “The salsa with Ajay is a surprise. I’ll just say that Ajay is a star in every sense of the word and he plays his most different role in Dil Toh Baccha Hai Ji,”she says.

Moving on to director Madhur Bhandarkar, Omi and Shazahn refute his reputation as a “serious-filmmaker”. “Madhur is a riot on the set,” says Omi Vaidya, “He’s constantly commenting about something or the other on the sets and has us in splits all the time!” he laughs. Shazahn reveals Madhur’s lesser-known talents, “Madhur Bhandarkar should be an actor,” she asserts, “He’s supremely talented. He’s almost like a standup comedian. And he’s  a fabulous mimic. I can’t tell you whom he mimics, but he always has you in splits.”

If Madhur has made his cast laugh, let’s hope he can do that with his audience as well.

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