The comedy king of Television, Kapil Sharma, who is coming up with his new show ‘The Kapil Sharma Show’, wants to host the Prime Minister of India, Narendra Modi in it.

Kapil Sharma, who has hosted some of the biggest Bollywood celebrities and cricketers, now wishes to host politicians in his new show and the name of PM Narendra Modi is at the top of his guest list.

Kapil Sharma Wishes To Host PM Narendra Modi On His New TV Show
Kapil Sharma Wishes To Host PM Narendra Modi On His New TV Show

Kapil Sharma says that, he wish to have PM on their new show (The Kapil Show), as he feels politicians also should connect to common people.

If they have Mr. Modi on show, they will talk about politics and he (Kapil) would love to know the journey of a small town man, who became the Prime Minister of India. Kapil feels the story of PM Narendra Modi is truly inspirational.

Kapil will try and talk to Mr. Modi, so that he gives a nod to be the guest on his show.

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