Bollywood celebrities Karan Johar, Alia Bhatt and Kangana Ranaut have been at the loggerheads, especially from the time Kangana appeared on KJo’s chat show Koffee With Karan and called him the ‘flag bearer of nepotism’. Time and again we see the Manikarnika actress launching an attack on the actor and filmmaker duo while bashing them left, right and centre. And her latest tweet is no different.
The actress recently visited the new parliament where she showered praises on Prime Minister Narendra Modi over the women’s reservation bill and also spoke to the media about the same. However a media portal quoted the actress saying, “Kangana Ranaut: 2014 se phele Rashtriyapati ka naam bhi pata nahi tha.” Scroll down to know what happened next.
Soon after the media portal’s tweet went viral, a user trolled Kangana Ranaut. Re-tweeting the same, the Twitter user wrote, “Of course what can we expect from her? She has been consistent in her lack of knowledge.” However Kangana was quick to respond to that. She slammed the user while taking a jibe at Alia Bhatt without naming her.
Kangana Ranaut wrote, “Madam it was a pop cultural shock when a certain leading actress on the most popular TV show said Prithavi Raj Chauhan was our then president. Don’t know what is failing you your memory or your common sense, because no one can ever forget that dumb shot of coffee with Karan.”
While referring to Alia Bhatt’s infamous episode of Koffee With Karan where she had named Prithviraj Chauhan as the President. In 2013, the actress had appeared with her classmates Varun Dhawan and Sidharth Malhotra where she was asked about the President Of India.
Check it out below:
Madam it was a pop cultural shock when a certain leading actress on the most popular TV show said Prithavi Raj Chauhan was our then president. Don’t know what is failing you your memory or your common sense, because no one can ever forget that dumb shot of coffee with Karan.
— Kangana Ranaut (@KanganaTeam) September 21, 2023
Kangana Ranaut later slammed another Twitter user who wrote, “If someone from Bollywood doesn’t know , it doesn’t mean the whole country is not aware.” She said, “The point is now even they (bollywoodias ) know you dumb a*s.”
Well, what are your thoughts on Kangana Ranaut’s latest Tweet about Alia Bhatt? Do let us know.
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