Bollywood actress Asin Thottumkal will bring in her 25th birthday today by spending time with three of her girlfriends who are in Mumbai especially for the birthday surprise. The actress is also expecting gold jewellery as a gift from her mother, something that Asin says is an annual ritual.

Asin To Celebrate 25th Birthday With Friends!

In her birthday resolutions, Asin seems to have decided to not be very choosy when it comes to the selection of scripts in Bollywood. Although she is quite a sensation down South, since her blockbuster Bollywood debut in 2008 with Aamir Khan in Ghajini, Asin has found little commercial success.  Her next film after Ghajini, London Dreams, where she was starring opposite Salman Khan, fizzled at the box-office. This probably made Asin over-cautious and she started picking and choosing her scripts with extra care. That’s why we have seen so little of her since London Dreams.

But Asin fans need not worry, as the actress will return to the silver-screen in an action film opposite Salman Khan! For now, here’s wishing the bubbly actress a very happy birthday!

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