Amitabh Bachchan’s online adventures are getting noisier by the day. It began with an abusive blogger who posted derogatory comments on Big B’s blog and even send him insulting messages on his phone. After ignoring the ‘online troll’, Amitabh tried to fend off the blogger with a stern warning on his site about a member using, “…language and expression that is abusive, filthy and utterly disgusting.” He went a step further and filed a complaint, “…have brought this to the notice of the authorities…this person shall now be under legal cyber space action…This individual has been sending me the most unprintable abuse on SMS on my phone.”

The episode of his online abuser was just quieting down when a news channel picked up excerpts from Amitabh Bachchan’s blog post about the Metro Rail Project that will be near his home in Mumbai. While the channel painted Amitabh as opposing to the project, his fans were let down. But the veteran star did not take it sitting down. He began retweeting reactions of his fans who condemned the channel and supported the actor for putting up a fight.

We’ll just have to wait and watch to find out who has the last laugh. Till then, to quote Amitabh Bachchan, its, “So bye bye privacy and hello fellow traveller.”

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