Shah Rukh Khan is currently basking in the success of his latest film ‘Jawan’ which has been making and breaking records. Ever since the film hit the big screens, it has taken the ticket windows by storm. Amid all the love and appreciation pouring in for the SRK starrer, he was recently snapped at an event where he was introduced to Kabir Singh and Sandeep Reddy Vanga by T-Series honcho Bhushan Kumar.
The superstar had a busy Sunday. After seeking blessings at Chief Minister Eknath Shinde’s residence for Ganeshotsav, he later went to T-Series office for the Puja. He looked dapper in a blue pathaani. At the event, he was seen meeting and greeting everyone.
Recently a Reddit user took to the platform to drop Shah Rukh Khan’s video from the puja where he was introduced to Sandeep Reddy Vanga by Bhushan Kumar. The clip opens with SRK Greeting Kumar and latter goes on to tell SRK, “This is Sandeep. Animal” The superstar is further seen asking the filmmaker, “Hi How are you? All the best for your film.” Further, Bhushan Kumar is heard telling SRK, “We want to show you teaser also, upstairs.”
Soon after the video went viral, netizens gave their 2 cents on the same. One wrote, “Just imagine srk with vanga, return of psycho srk from days of Darr, bazzigar.”
While another wrote, “He’d probably romantise the shit outta it and call it ‘passionate love’ Shah should stay away from vanga’s idea of romance.”
A third one wrote, “if animal becomes a blockbuster and vanga’s next projects seeming like they’re happening in distant future (allu arjun film is just announced, he has 2 projects + pushpa before it atleast) and prabhas’ spirit will happen god knows when. Then srk + vanga is definitely a possibility, if not now then definitely soon.”
SRK watches Animal teaser, meets Sandeep Reddy Vanga
byu/Rast987 inBollyBlindsNGossip
Well, it is yet to be seen how much Shah Rukh Khan has like Animal Teaser.
Meanwhile, co-starring Rashmika Mandanna with Ranbir Kapoor, Animal will hit the big screens on 1st December.
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