After the surrogacy rumors about SRK went viral over the internet and Bombay Municipal Corporation inquiring to verify the truth in the reports carried by the Media. Most dailies carried the news that Superstar Shah Rukh Khan and wife Gauri who have been married for 22 years and have 2 kids, are looking to bring home a baby boy.

Since pre natal sex determination is banned in India, BMC is taking the matter very seriously. Since SRK and his family is vacationing in London right now, there are also fleeting reports that the surrogate mother is in London too. In that case, the apparent charges will lose its ground since prenatal sex determination is legal there.

Shah Rukh Khan And Gauri Khan
Shah Rukh Khan And Gauri Khan

Dr Firuza Parikh, who had helped actor Aamir Khan and wife Kiran Rao to have a baby through surrogacy, has refused to take any onus for this. Dr Parikh, who is the Director of IVF centre in Jaslok Hospital in Mumbai is not involved in this alleged surrogacy, affirmed the hospital spokesperson. The media reports had reportedly stated that Aamir and SRK had both consulted the same doctor on having a surrogate baby. Dr Parikh was highly offended by her name being dragged in the squabble needlessly.

However, SRK or any one close to him has neither admitted or denied the news of surrogacy leaving its authenticity largely doubtful, therefore!

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