#InstagramDown is back on Twitter again as the photo-video sharing app crashed yesterday. As per users, they were failing to refresh the app. Interestingly, it has happened for the second time in the last few days. As expected, a meme fest was triggered and this time, the new addition was the meme templates of Virat Kohli and Mr Bean.
A similar situation took place on 19th March when not 1 but 3 platforms were down- Instagram, WhatsApp and Facebook. On Whatsapp, users were unable to send messages with a clock sign showing up on the message. Instagram showed a 5xx server error.
Take a look at memes that flooded Twitter with #InstagramDown
How many times Instagram was down in this month?Me: pic.twitter.com/X9YXjlgmHR
— Pratiek/mumbaikar (@Pratiekmukund) March 30, 2021
Watching Instagram down mems on Twitter…#instagramdown pic.twitter.com/JBvQd41d09
— A4 (@incognitomma) March 30, 2021
everyone rn rushing to twitter to check if instagram is down #instagramdown #instagram pic.twitter.com/sNPOZIDOtr
— Adarsh Tiwari (@Adxxrsh) March 30, 2021
Instagram Influencers right now: pic.twitter.com/sW9e3RAbc7— AnuragMakesMeme (@sarcasm_world_) March 30, 2021
me waiting for instagram to be back be like #instagramdown pic.twitter.com/1CzKNq9Yei
— Baby Penguin (@engineeeer_) March 30, 2021
People on their way to twitter to check if instagram is again down #instagramdown pic.twitter.com/WmY4ylIY1x
— SRKIAN X RUBINA (@savagetroller1) March 30, 2021
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