Amid the lockdown, Bollywood’s most romantic couple Ranveer Singh and Deepika Padukone are trying their best to keep the fans entertained on social media with their cute banters and PDA-filled comments. Just recently Ranveer Singh shared a photoshopped picture of him as Tiger King. Soon after the picture was uploaded, Deepika Padukone and Ranveer’s BFF  Arjun Kapoor trolled the actor with their hilarious comments.

In the photo, Ranveer can be seen posing with a Tiger and for the unversed, the original picture is of an American Zookeeper Joe Exotic. Ranveer Singh’s face can be seen edited over Joe Exotic’s, as he poses with his Tiger, with a blingy outfit on. Ranveer captioned the post, “Now who did this?”

Ranveer Singh Gets Trolled By Deepika Padukone And Arjun Kapoor
Ranveer Singh’s Attempt At Trolling Self Calls For Funny Reactions From Deepika Padukone & Arjun Kapoor

While his fans found the picture funny, his wife Deepika Padukone and friend Arjun Kapoor felt it was normal for Ranveer. Deepika was quick to comment, “@ranveersingh what are you finding soo funny!? That’s you on MOST days!!!🤣🤣🤣” And Arjun wrote, “Casual day for Baba.” Stylist Anaita Shroff Adajania also commented, “Went casual“.

Meanwhile, Ranveer and Deepika are spending quality time together amid the lockdown. On the professional front, Ranveer will next feature in Kabir Khan’s ’83’. He will be portraying the role of former Indian cricketer Kapil Dev. The film also has a special appearance of Deepika as his onscreen wife. 83’ will be one of the first films to release once the lockdown is over. He will also be seen in Karan Johar’s Takht alongside Kareena Kapoor Khan, Alia Bhatt and Vicky Kaushal.

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