While Sanya Malhotra is creating all the buzz on social media for her upcoming quirky film Kathal, the actress surprises her fans with the release of her next film Jawan with Shah Rukh Khan, on September 7th 2023.
The actress announced this big news on her social media.
The huge and impactful promo of Jawan promises the audience to tighten their seatbelts as they’re in for a treat. With such a powerful announcement, it looks like Sanya Malhotra will surely be doing some action, and we can’t wait for more details to unfold.
Currently, Sanya is promoting her upcoming film Kathal where she takes the lead in solving the mystery behind who sold the Kathal. This fresh concept and plot have excited a Pan-India audience.
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Apart from Jawan and Kathal, Sanya Malhotra has Sam Bahadur in the pipeline. 2023 is definitely Sanya Malhotra’s year with major releases on the silver screen and various OTT platforms.
Delving into her part, Sanya said, “The role was a challenge because I didn’t meet any cop before the preparations of the part. However, during the preparations, I met a few cops, and I got to experience that their life is quite challenging.”
Sanya Malhotra added that she and her director once met a female police officer in Gwalior, who was working on cases in the police station and at the same time constantly catering to her young child.
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