It was just yesterday when Aditya Pancholi slammed Kangana Ranaut of threatening him with a false rape case if he doesn’t take back the defamation charges filed against her. Now, things seem to have grown intense as Aditya has revealed a video to the news portal, Times Now, where Kangana’s lawyer, Rizwan Siddiqui, is seen settling the case with Pancholi and his wife in a personal conversation.

In the video, Aditya and his wife Zarina Wahab are sitting with Rizwan, and he can be seen trying to threaten them by accusations of a false rape case by the actress’ sister, Rangoli Chandel, if Aditya doesn’t come in terms with the conditions put forth by Kangana. The video reportedly has also been submitted to the Police.

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Aditya Pancholi Shares VIDEO PROOF Against Kangana Ranaut’s Alleged “False Rape Accusations”

Aditya also told the police that they are using law and enforcement in the wrong way and that when they are being called to give the statements, they are not turning up. Furthermore, he added that he will take the case to the Supreme Court if this doesn’t end here.

Check out the video below:

A few days ago Aditya Pancholi had filed a case against Kangana’s lawyer in the context of being threatened by him in a fake case being filed by Kangana. The complaint came to a counter-reply to Kangana’s sister Rangoli Chandel’s complaint filed against Aditya a decade ago.

Yesterday in an interview with Zoom TV, Aditya told them, that it’s false rape case and they are just framing him. He also told them that he has proof to prove that he’s innocent and not charged as guilty in the case.

Only time will tell, who’s right and who’s not but all we can hope is justice to prevail as soon as possible.

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