Roadies Revolution’s leader Neha Dhupia has been brutally based over the last few days after her interaction with a Roadie contestant went viral. While several industry folks have come out in support of Neha, finally, hubby and actor Angad Bedi has shown his support to Neha by sharing his pictures with not one, but five of his girlfriends!

But before you get your horses running, it is not what you think it is. Angad took to his social media handle and shared five of his pictures with Neha in different looks and captioned the post saying, “Sun MERI baat.. here are my 5 girlfriends!!!! Ukhad lo jo ukhad na hai!!!! @nehadhupia #itsmychoice (sic)”

Neha Dhupia Roadies Controversy: Angad Bedi Lends Support by Sharing Pictures With His '5 Girlfriends' BUT With A Romantic Twist
Neha Dhupia Roadies Controversy: Angad Bedi Lends Support by Sharing Pictures With His ‘5 Girlfriends’ BUT With A Romantic Twist

Check out Angad’s post here:

For those who have joined in late, it all began when Neha Dhupia lashed out at a contestant who confessed to having slapped his girlfriend after she told him that she was cheating on him with five other boys. What further enraged netizens is the fact that Neha went on to defend the girl and say it is her choice as to how many people she wants to date and if she is dating so many other boys, the problem must be with the boy (contestant) and not the girl.

Neha called it her choice and since then social media has just been so harsh to her and calling her ‘fake feminist’. She has been trolled mercilessly and finally, she broke her silence on Instagram and shared a long post on the same.

Part of her post read, “A guy talked about his partner who cheated on him (allegedly) and in retaliation, he hit her by his own admission. What the girl did is a choice she made which is a moral choice regardless of someone, man or woman… adultery is a moral choice. Cheating is not something I stand for, and it is unfortunate that I have been misrepresented for the same… but what I do stand for is women’s safety.”

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