
Saumya Ganesh

saumya ganesh Plot
Saumya Ganesh

Release Date:

Cast: Avinash Dhyani, Sanskriti Bhatt

Director: Avinash Dhyani

Producer: Avinash Dhyani


The film revolves around a guy who is type 2 diabetic which decreases male fertility as it lowers the testosterone level. The love of Saumya and Ganesh is as beautiful and pristine as the flowers on trees. Problem is that they don’t know how to do it as their ‘natural bond of friendship’ conceals, sheathes, envelopes deeper feelings that are still raw or dormant.

This is how Saumya and Ganesh’s love story begins. The admission of love comes finally, though indirectly when she thinks he is talking about some other girl whereas actually he is proposing marriage to her. The story has no villain

saumya ganesh Review
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