Cast: Sanjay Kapoor, Arya Babbar, Mahima Choudhary, Om Puri, Sushil Singh, Jaggu Nivhgune, Vinay Apte, Ganesh Pai, Mukesh Tiwari, Usha Nadkarni, Pradeep Kabra, Deana Uppal
Director/s: Wilfred Lobo, Rajiv Ranjan Das
Producer: Chandrashekar Shetty
Writer: Abhay Chaudhary
Music Director: Liyaqat Ajmeri
Release Date: 2014
Plot: Two young men Avi (Sanjay Kapoor) and Shiva (Aarya Babbar) are on a mission to establish their name in the city Mumbai as dreaded Criminals (Gangsters). A series of killing done by both makes them cynosure of the police department who wants them Dead or Alive. ACP Hemant Jog (Sushil Singh) is an officer whose thinking is that Eye for an Eye is not a solution to control the criminals. Criminals Should be given a chance to REFORM, he wants to apply this thought on Avi and Shiva and gets the necessary permissions from higher authority and Release both of them. Both Avi and Shiva Leaves the city to lead a new life where there is no running, no violence, no escape.
Avi’s wife Maya (Mahima Chaudhary) and his son is happy to lead a simple life. Time moves on and one day they receive the unfortunate news about the death of their protector ACP Hemant Jog. Fears crops up in their mind, what will happen now. ACP’s father excommissioner Ramakant Jog (Om Puri ) wades through the dairy of his son and comes to know about his sons thought and mission. He personally meets them and assures them that no matter whatever happenes don’t return to your past, they are overjoyed by the reassurance.
Three years of exile from Mumbai is about to pass, Soutya (Jagganath Nivangune) who is desperate to average his brother Pakya’s murder by Avi and Shiva with the help of a bad cop (Vinay Apte) comes to know about their hide out.
Does Avi & Shiva fall prey to Sautya’s trap? Does Sautya succeed to provoke them to return into the past? Does excommissioner dream is fulfilled to see them reformed? These are the queries which leads to the climax.